US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: report


Apr 2018


Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment

The full report of the National Climate Assessment provides an in-depth look at climate change impacts on the U.S. It details the multitude of ways climate change is already affecting and will increasingly affect the lives of Americans.The Highlights Report provides a concise version of the full report including an Overview, select ...



Apr 2018


Greener Buildings Help Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A brief summary of how green building standards can be implemented. Focused on California.



Apr 2018


Understanding the Basics of Climate Change Cap- and -Trade: A Local Official’s Guide

This short briefing paper provides a general overivew of the concept of cap-and-trade as it relates to climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It also offers information about key issues of interest to local officials and suggests resources to learn more.



Apr 2018


Gender, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Climate Change Adaptation: A Learning Companion

This Companion provides the theoretical overview of how poverty and inequality shape the experiences of women and men during disasters, and as a result of climate change;analyses Oxfam’s approach to strengthening gender equality and women’s rights through gender mainstreaming, and how this is applied to adaptation and risk ...



Apr 2018


Heat Waves, Floods and the Health Impacts of Climate Change: A Protogype Training Workshop for City Officials

After going through this manual, the learner should be able to: – Define key terms and concepts of climate change and human health – Describe the effects of climate change on human health – Identify the health impacts of climate extremes -Explain the link between climate change and infectious disease – ...



Apr 2018


Leading by Example: Emission Reductions in Public Health Agencies. A Climate Masters Guide for the Public Health Sector

This manual provides guidance on how public health departments can prioritize and implement the operational changes that allow public health agencies to shrink their climate impact, and it also provides guidance about how to demonstrate a commitment to a healthy future.Energy, buildings, transportation, food, purchasing, waste, and ...



Apr 2018


Co-benefits to health of climate change mitigation: Household energy in developing countries

New technologies for more efficient household fuel use in developing regions hold some of the greatest potential co-benefits for both health and climate in the household energy sector because they greatly reduce emissions. These interventions offer other co-benefits to health, gender equity and sustainable development for billions of ...



Apr 2018


Co-benefits to health of climate change mitigation: occupational health

This document seeks to anticipate green technologies’ consequences for occupational health and safety, including hazards or risks they may present. The goal is to remove impediments to the dissemination and adoption of green technologies and to reduce avoidable risks for workers. This document identifies remediable hazards and ...



Apr 2018


Public Health and Climate Change: A guide for Increasing the Capacity of Local Public Health Departments

This guidebook is designed to support efforts to initiate and integrate climate planning within cunty, regional, and tribal public health departments and agencies. It will provide you and your department with the knowledge and skills to build capacity to address climate impacts and/or develop a climate action plan for your ...



Apr 2018


Excessive Heat Emergency Response Plan

The purpose of this plan is to provide information and to identify the DHHS role in response to excessive heat emergencies in the State in collaboration with the NR Public Health Regions and with other State agencies, and in accordance with the National Incident Management Systems. The plan includes the threshold for response ...
