US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: market mechanisms


Apr 2018


Second Global Conference on Health & Climate: “Building Healthier Societies Through Implementation of the Paris Agreement” Conference Conclusions and Action Agenda

This document includes conclusions and an action agenda resulting from the conference. The conference responded to the commitments of Parties to the UNFCCC to protect and promote health, and their requests through the World Health Assembly and WHO Executive Board, to renew and reinforce the engagement of the health community to ...



Apr 2018


Empower Kentucky: Executive Summary of the Empower Kentucky Plan

Over a 15-to-20 year period, KFTC’s Empower Kentucky plan would bring about a reduction of 40 percent of the state’s carbon emissions, which would also prevent the emission of “93 thousand tons of sulfur dioxide and 132 thousand tons of nitrogen oxide pollution over 15 years.”  By 2032, the plan would generate some 43,000 ...



Apr 2018


Boiling Points: The Inextricable Links Between Inequality and Climate Change

The objective of this report is to comprehensively map the various linkages between climate change and inequality while identifying key gaps in our research knowledge and our policy debates. By doing so, we aim to better integrate these two siloed issues and support efforts to mobilize a broad, multi-interest coalition that fights ...
