US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: journalArticle


Apr 2018


Mutiple Threats to Child Health from Fossil Fuel Combustion: Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change

Approaches to estimating and addressing the risk to children from fossil fuel combustion have been fragmented, tending to focus either on the toxic air emissions or on climate change. Yet developing children, and especially poor children, now bear a disproportionate burden of disease from both environmental pollution and climate ...



Apr 2018


Preventive Medicine for the Planet and Its Peoples

”Health is the human face of climate change” was the motivating idea behind the Climate and Health conference held at the Carter Center in Atlanta on Thursday, February 16, 2017. Originally scheduled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which then postponed it indefinitely, the meeting was resurrected ...



Apr 2018


Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Is Only the Beginning: A Literature Review of the Co-Benefits of Reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled

While state goals for reducing GHG emissions have been one motivation for the shift to VMT measures, reductions in VMT produce many other potential benefits, referred to as “cobenefits,” such as reductions in other air pollutant emissions, water pollution, wildlife mortality, and traffic congestion, as well as improvements in ...



Apr 2018


Advocating for Health in a Warming World: A Health Advocate’s Perspective

Health advocacy is an exercise in compassion, driven by concerns for all people, a concern that is as essential in the policy debates as health science, if we are serious about addressing climate change. Martin Luther King famously said, ‘‘The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice.’’19 But the problem ...



Apr 2018


Multiple health benefits of urban tree canopy: The mounting evidence for a green prescription

The purpose of this study was to enhance the understanding of the health-promoting potential of trees in an urbanized region of the United States. This was done using high-resolution LiDAR and imagery data to quantify tree cover within 250 m of the residence of 7910 adult participants in the California Health Interview Survey, then ...



Apr 2018


US cities taking the lead on combating climate change: Residents, officials coming together

Significant efforts to curb climate change in the U.S. may not be forthcoming at the federal level, if recent attacks on environmental science are any indication. But cities nationwide are stepping up to the challenge, combating climate change through concerted initiatives between residents and local governments. Members of USCHA ...



Apr 2018


Estimating economic damage from climate change in the United States

Episodes of severe weather in the United States, such as the present abundance of rainfall in California, are brandished as tangible evidence of the future costs of current climate trends. Hsiang et al. collected national data documenting the responses in six economic sectors to short-term weather fluctuations. These data were ...



Apr 2018


Climate Change and Health in LA County: Opportunities for Clinical Intervention

As the impacts of climate change continue to intensify across Los Angeles County, clinicians can expect an exacerbation of many patient health problems ranging from respiratory illness to infectious diseases. Residents of LA County are especially vulnerbale to health risks associated with increasing extreme heat events, declining air ...



Apr 2018


Our Duty Is to the Public’s Well-Being: Human Health and Global Warming

The fires that ripped through our community beginning Oct. 8 changed everything. As was seen in Puerto Rico, Houston, and New Orleans, the visceral impact of climate change has hit home. The medical community must now begin to grapple with the unfolding impact of global warming on human health.
