Taxonomy Archive: advocacy
20 Apr 2018 |
Therefore it is resolved that APA reaffirms its recognition of the importance of psychological aspects of human environment relations; Therefore it is resolved that APA supports psychologists’ involvement in scientific research on global climate change and on the role of human behavior as a significant contributor to these changes; ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Conclusive evidence has demonstrated that climate change is having a dramatic impact on the lives of people around the world. Representing physicians dedicated to the whole well-being of women – including their safety, security, and access to quality care – the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ...
20 Apr 2018 |
A report on the very first analysis of the cross-border impacts on health of coal power plants in the EU has been published today. The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), Climate Action network (CAN) Europe, the WWF European Policy Office and Sandbag, have outlined the enormous benefits a full coal phase-out would bring.
20 Apr 2018 |
Air pollution has created a public health crisis in California. California’s innovative clean air laws, including AB 32, are vital to cut harmful pollution from our air, reduce the incidence of asthma attacks and lung and heart illnesses that send people to hospitals and emergency rooms, and help people live full and healthy lives. ...
20 Apr 2018 |
We, the undersigned physicians, nurses, and health professionals, strongly support the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rules to reduce industrial methane and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from new oil and gas sources. These standards will not only help to mitigate climate change and its associated health risks ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Climate change poses major threats to human health, human and animal populations, ecological stability, and human social, financial, and political stability and well-being. Observed health impacts of climate change include increased heat-related morbidity and mortality, expanded ranges and frequency of infectious disease outbreaks, ...
20 Apr 2018 |
The 21st Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) will take place in December in Paris. It is an important opportunity to tackle the impact of climate change on health by drafting a genuine universal agreement which would put health to the foreground in the debate on climate change […]
20 Apr 2018 |
NCEJN developed a statement to explain our environmental justice perspective on climate change to predominantly white environmental groups that seek to partner with us. NCEJN opposes strategies that reduce greenhouse emissions while maintaining or magnifying existing social, economic, and environmental injustices. Wealthy communities ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Based on recognised scientific evidences related to the impact of climate change on health, the WHPA is profoundly concerned by its harmful effects, predominantly among vulnerable populations, including the risks of increased malnutrition, death and injury due to natural disasters (e.g. floods and storms), changes in disease patterns ...
20 Apr 2018 |
The “State of the Air 2016” found con nued improvement in air quality in 2012–2014, showing lower levels of year-round par cle pollu on and ozone. S ll, more than half of all Americans—166 million people—live in coun es where they are exposed to unhealthful levels of these pollutants. The “State of the Air 2016” […]