Taxonomy Archive: academic
20 Apr 2018 |
CHanGE (The Center for Health and the Global Environment) envisions a world of individuals, communities, and nations with the knowledge, capacity, and tools to effectively and efficiently manage the risks global environmental change is presenting to human health and well-being. We consult on and conduct research around all aspects of ...
20 Apr 2018 |
The mission of George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication (4C) is to conduct unbiased public engagement research—and help government agencies, non-profit organizations, and companies apply the results of this research—so that collectively, we can stabilize our planet’s life sustaining climate.
20 Apr 2018 |
Walking and cycling for transportation (i.e. active transportation, AT), provide substantial health benefits from increased physical activity (PA). However, risks of injury from exposure to motorized traffic and their emissions (i.e. air pollution) exist. The objective was to systematically review studies conducting health impact ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Global climate change is expected to increase the risk of diarrhoeal diseases, a leading cause of childhood mortality. However, there is considerable uncertainty about the magnitude of these effects and which populations bear the greatest risks. Changes in temperature due to global climate change can and may already be affecting ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Ambient heat exposure is a well-known health hazard, which reduces human performance and work capacity at heat levels already common in tropical and subtropical areas. Various health problems have been reported. Increasing heat exposure during the hottest seasons of each year is a key feature of global climate change. Heat exhaustion ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Earth is rapidly approaching a tipping point. Human impacts are causing alarming levels of harm to our planet. As scientists who study the interaction of people with the rest of the biosphere using a wide range of approaches, we agree that the evidence that humans are damaging their ecological life-support systems is overwhelming. We ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Geoengineering is the deliberate large-scale manipulation of environmental processes that affects the Earth’s climate, in an attempt to counteract the effects of climate change. Injecting sulfate aerosol precursors and designed nanoparticles into the stratosphere to (i.e., solar radiation management [SRM]), has been suggested as ...
20 Apr 2018 |
The warming and instability of the climate in the United States is well-established. In the past 25 years, Illinois has experienced the 1993 Mississippi River floods, the 1995 Chicago heat wave, the drought of 2012, the spring floods of 2013, and the arrival of West Nile Virus. Extreme weather events lead to health problems in […]
20 Apr 2018 |
Climate change is harming human health, and the magnitude of the harm is increasing. This is especially true in tropical and subtropical regions that are vulnerable to greater intensity, frequency, and duration of extreme weather, such as hurricanes, drought, and increases in heat, as a result of climate change. Nearly all countries ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Climate change will have an effect on the health and well-being of the populations cared for by practicing physicians. The anticipated medical effects include heat- and cold-related deaths, cardiovascular illnesses, injuries and mental harms from extreme weather events, respiratory illnesses caused by poor air quality, infectious ...