US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: author


Apr 2018


Air Pollution is Yet Another Issue that Disproportionately Impacts Minority and Low-Income Communities

First responders are trained to give people immediate life-saving care and get people out of dangerous situations. When a patient is suffering an asthma attack that’s caused by air pollution in their community, we can administer drugs to calm the attack, but we know it is only a temporary fix. To reduce the risk over […]



Apr 2018


The Clean Power Plan: A Public Health Victory Needing Medical Attention

On August 3, 2015 the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued guidelines to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plants. This action, known as the Clean Power Plan, is the single biggest step the United States has taken to address climate change. CO2 accounts for more than 80% of greenhouse gas ...



Apr 2018


Climate Change and Health Talking Points

American College of Physicians (ACP) presents a series of climate change and talking points for physicians in this brief document.



Apr 2018


The Importance of Reducing Animal Product Consumption and Wasted Food in Mitigating Catastrophic Climate Change

This report, prepared in advance of the United Nations Conference of the Parties 21 (COP21) in Paris, reviews the scientific literature on the roles of reducing animal product consumption and wasted food in meeting climate change mitigation targets.



Apr 2018


How Deadly Is Your Kilowatt? We Rank The Killer Energy Sources

Everyone’s heard of the carbon footprint of different energy sources, the largest footprint belonging to coal because every kWhr of energy produced emits about 900 grams of CO2. Wind and nuclear have the smallest carbon footprint with only 15 g emitted per kWhr, and that mainly from concrete production, construction, and mining ...



Apr 2018


Racial and socioeconomic disparities in heat-related health effects and their mechanisms: a review

Adaptation to increasing extreme heat in a changing climate requires a precise understanding of who is most vulnerable to the health effects of extreme heat. The evidence for race, ethnicity, income, education and occupation, at the individual and area levels, as indicators of vulnerability is reviewed. The evidence for the social, ...



Apr 2018


The Northern Manhattan Climate Action Plan

Over the past several years, climate change has begun to exact a disproportionate toll on the poor and working class people of New York City. During Hurricane Sandy, we saw that marginalized communities lost their homes, jobs, financial security and more at a higher rate than others. Yet, to this day, the political and economic […]



Apr 2018


Sustainability in the Workplace: A New Approach for Advancing Worker Safety and Health

The three pillars of environment, society, and economy are frequently used to model how sustainability can be incorporated into an organization’s mission, goals, and practices. The “three Venn” diagram is a well-recognized visualization of these pillars. Each of the pillars is considered essential for sustainable outcomes to be ...



Apr 2018


Prevention and reduction of food and drink waste in businesses and households: Guidance for governments, local authorities, businesses and other organisations

Think.Eat.Save: Reduce Your Foodprint was launched in January 2013, by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Messe Düsseldorf GmbH and a number of diverse stakeholders, including the UK-based Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP). The purpose of Think.Eat.Save is to ...



Apr 2018


Fact Sheets: Climate Change, Health, and Populations of Concern

Understanding the threats that climate change poses to human health can help us work together to lower risks and be prepared. Climate change threatens human health, including mental health, and access to clean air, safe drinking water, nutritious food, and shelter.All Americans, at some point in their lives, are vulnerable to the ...
