US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: report


Apr 2018


Healthy hospitals, healthy planet, healthy people: Addressing climate change in healthcare settings

The paper begins to define a framework for analysing and addressing the health sector’s climate footprint – including identifying seven aspects of a climate-friendly hospital. It also draws on a series of examples from around the world that demonstrate that the health sector is indeed already beginning to provide leadership in ...



Apr 2018


Protecting health from climate change: Connecting science, policy and people

A report from WHO presenting an overview of the science of the links between climate change and human health. It provides an update of the evidence on health risks caused by climate change, describes which populations are most vulnerable, and outlines the actions that will be necessary to protect health from climate change. Although ...



Apr 2018


Mainstreaming gender in health adaptation to climate change programmes: User’s guide

This guide is targeted towards programme managers who work in climate change and health adaptation, and provides them with practical information and concrete guidance to mainstream gender throughout all four phases of the project cycle: identification, formulation and design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation



Apr 2018


Protecting health from climate change: Global research priorities

Weather and climate affect the key determinants of human health: air, food and water. They also influence the frequency of heatwaves, floods and storms as well as the transmission of infectious diseases. In addition, policies to mitigate climate change (for example in the energy, transport or urban planning sectors) have a direct and ...



Apr 2018


Health co-benefits of climate change mitigation: housing sector

This report considers the scientific evidence regarding possible health gains and, where relevant, health risks of climate change mitigation measures in the residential housing sector.This analysis reviews and evaluates the potential health impacts of mitigation strategies and technologies for the residential building sector, with a ...



Apr 2018


Health co-benefits of climate change mitigation: transport sector

Cycling, walking and rapid transit systems are associated with a wide range of potential health benefits that climate assessment needs to consider more systematically. Health benefits may include: physical activity from walking and cycling, which can help prevent heart disease, some cancers, type 2 diabetes, and some obesity-related ...



Apr 2018


Atlas of Health and Climate

The Atlas of health and climate is a product of this unique collaboration between the meteorological and public health communities. It provides sound scientific information on the connections between weather and climate and major health challenges. These range from diseases of poverty to emergencies arising from extreme weather ...



Apr 2018


Second Global Conference Health & Climate: Conference conclusions and Action Agenda

The Paris Agreement, adopted on 12th December 2015, marks the beginning of a new era in the global response to climate change. The world now has a global climate agreement that will have a major public health policy impact as countries take action. As stated in the agreement, “the right to health” will be central […]



Apr 2018


Cool Houston! A Plan for Cooling the Region: For Clean Air & Quality of Life Benefits

This report sets forth a plan to reduce urban heat island effect, targeting surfaces that often change. Strategies include coop paving, cool roofing, and planting more trees.



Apr 2018


Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Second National Climate Assessment

This report is the Second National Climate Assessment. It summarizes the science of climate change and the impacts of climate change on the United States, at present and in the future. It is largely based on results of USGCRP research, and integrates those results with related research from around the world. This report discusses ...
