Taxonomy Archive: report
20 Apr 2018 |
The impacts of climate change will be channeled primarily through the water cycle, with consequences that could be large and uneven across the globe. Water-related climate risks cascade through food, energy, urban, and environmental systems. Growing populations, rising incomes, and expanding cities will converge upon a world where ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Extreme heat poses growing risks to the health of Canadians. Public health and emergency management officials in several Canadian communities are developing interventions to reduce heat-health risks and to prepare for the expected increase in the frequency, duration and severity of extreme heat events due to climate change. To help ...
20 Apr 2018 |
In this chapter, the DGAC addresses food and nutrition issues that will inform public health action and policies to promote the health of the population through sustainable diets and food safety. An important reason for addressing sustainable diets, a new area for the DGAC, is to have alignment and consistency in dietary guidance ...
20 Apr 2018 |
If we Kentuckians value our health, and if Kentucky legislators are concerned with improving public health, it is imperative that community and state leaders examine the role of energy policy in determining health outcomes. Governments and institutions are increasingly using Health Impact Assessments (HIA) as tools to help make ...
20 Apr 2018 |
The purpose of this report is to assess whether investment in Green Infrastructure increases economic growth, based on the available evidence. We take Green Infrastructure (GI) to mean a planned approach to the delivery of nature in the city in order to provide benefits to residents. This includes features such as street trees, ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Hawaiʻi has addressed climate change on its State policy agenda for several years via initiatives such as Hawai’i State Green Growth (HGG) and Aloha Plus Challenge Initiative, the Hawai’i Climate Adaption Initiative Act (Act 83), and Act 286, HRS 226- 109. The increasing global, national and regional scientific evidence relating ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Climate change has the potential to affect the environment in a number of ways that place increased stress on everyone, but disproportionately on the most vulnerable populations, including the young, the old, those with chronic illness, and the poor. Older people are among the most at risk because of decreased mobility resulting from ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Increasing levels of greenhouse gases, particularly during the past century, have been associated with rising global average temperatures, extreme temperatures, and heat waves. At the same time, other climatic changes in New York State (NYS) have included increased frequency and duration of extreme weather events and coastal storms, ...
20 Apr 2018 |
The Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED) at The Earth Institute, Columbia University, and ecoAmerica, a nonprofit that works to build public support for climate solutions, have been leaders in climate communication research. With this guide, we synthesize what others and we have learned about climate change ...
20 Apr 2018 |
FrameWorks’ research on the communications aspects of climate change, however, strongly suggests that science communicators do not have to choose between appealing to people’s hearts and heads – and that in fact, a strategy that eschews this false dichotomy is more likely to increase public support for meaningful ...