US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: report


Apr 2018


Achieving a Climate for Health: Philanthropy to Promote Health and Justice through the Challenges of Climate Change

Written for philanthropists, this report is designed to introduce grantmakers to issues and opportunities that lie at the intersection of climate change and health. A brief review of climate change basics and the impacts of climate change on health, as well as a review of the landscap of philanthropic opportunities.



Apr 2018


Are we ready? Preparing for the public health challenges of climate change.

A report on the results of a survey of a representative sample of local health departments from around the county, about their perception of climate-related health risks and the status and adequacy of their departments’ programmtic activities in response to these risks.This report points to critical gaps in resources, programs, ...



Apr 2018


Capacity to Address the Health Impacts of Climate Change In Massachusetts: Findings from a Statewide Survey of Local Health Departments

The purpose of this report is to summarize results of a comprehensive survey aimed at assessing the capacity of local health departments in Massachusetts to respond to the public health impacts associated with climate change, including health officials’ perception of climate change, and to develop plans for reducing these ...



Apr 2018


Expanding Urban Tree Canopy as a Community Health Climate Adaptation Strategy – A Health Impact Assessment of the Ann Arbor Urban & Community Forest Management Plan

This Health Impact Assessment (HIA) examines the potential health and psychosocial benefits associated with targeting tree planing in residental areas of Ann Arbor, Michigan wiht lower tree canopy and populations vulnerable both directly to extreme heat events and to health conditions affected by heat and tree canopy.



Apr 2018


Mitigating New York City’s heat island with urban forestry, living roofs, and light surfaces

This study uses a regional climate model (MM5) in combination with observed meteorological, satellite, and GIS data to determine the impact of each of the mitigation strategies, urban forestry, living/green roofs, and light surfaces, on surface and near-surface air temperature in the New York Metropolitan Region over space and time. ...



Apr 2018


Minding the Climate Gap: What’s at Stake if California’s Climate Law Isn’t Done Right and Right Away

This report explores whether or not implementation of cap-and-trade in California might fail to capture public health benefits, or even make an already inequitable situation worse, taking into account co-pollutants.



Apr 2018


Public Health Impacts of Climate Change in Washington State: Projected Mortality Risks Due to Heat Events and Air Pollution

In this study, the historical relationship between mortality rates and heat events in several counties in Washington was examined and used to project number of deaths above the baseline expected to occur in the future. Future excess deaths due to ground-level ozone concentrations was also estimated.



Apr 2018


The Climate Gap: Inequalities in How Climate Change Hurts Americans & How to Close the Gap

This report explores disparities in the impacts of climate change and the abilities of different groups to adapt to it. It also offers concrete recommendations to closin the climate gap, starting with insuring that climate solutions don’t leave anyone behind.



Apr 2018


The health benefits of tackling climate change: An Executive Summary for The Lancet Series on Health and Climate Change.

The threat of climate change has generated a global flood of policy documents, suggested technical fixes, and lifestyle recommendations. One widely held view is that their implementation would, almost without exception, prove socially uncomfortable and economically painful. But as a series of new studies shows, in one domain at ...



Apr 2018


The social dimensions of climate change: discussion draft

This paper addresses the social dimensions of climate change from a sustainable, equitable development perspective, understood as “an irreducible holistic concept where economic, social and environmental issues are interdependent dimensions that must be approached within a unified framework”, and where the overarching outcome is ...
