Taxonomy Archive: newspaperArticle
20 Apr 2018 |
The world should brace for potentially devastating impacts on human health due to climate change, top policy makers and officials from around the globe meeting in Paris said Thursday.Some of these consequences may be avoided if humanity radically curbs its use of fossil fuels in coming decades, but many are already being felt, they ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Alysia Thomas, a stay-at-home mother in this working-class city, tells her children to skip a bath on days when they do not play outside; that holds down the water bill. Lillian Barrera, a housekeeper who travels 25 miles to clean homes in Beverly Hills, serves dinner to her family on paper plates for much the […]
20 Apr 2018 |
Zika virus and Ebola virus spread can be predicted using climate change trends, according to research. The findings come from the University College London where researchers found that predicting zoonotic diseases may be possible through analyzing fluctuating global demographic and environmental patterns.
20 Apr 2018 |
Lance Boucher of the American Lung Association addressed State House legislators on June 1 to discuss why the ALA endorses the Clean Power Plan.Boucher discussed the ALA “2016 State of the Air Report,” which measured the two most widespread air pollutants – ozone and particle pollutants – both dangerous to public health. ...
20 Apr 2018 |
DW asks emerging pathogens expert Amy Vittor about the connection between Zika and climate change. Researchers are using dengue as a reference point, as little is known about the new virus linked to a birth defect.
20 Apr 2018 |
Fossil fuels represent a two-pronged attack on the health of children, a leading health scientist has warned. To foster health and well-being in future generations, society needs to dramatically decrease dependence on dirty energy.Frederica Perera (Credit: In a commentary released today summarizing the key science ...
20 Apr 2018 |
A newly-released report from the UN has found that extreme climate conditions around the world may be having a detrimental effect on our crops. In the face of elevated temperatures, certain crops are susceptible to produce more chemicals than normal in a bid to defend themselves. This accumulation of chemicals could be potentially ...
20 Apr 2018 |
By the 2080s, as many as 3,331 people could die every year from exposure to heat during the summer months in New York City. The high estimate by Columbia University scientists is based on a new model—the first to account for variability in future population size, greenhouse gas trajectories, and the extent to which residents ...
20 Apr 2018 |
The issue can be overwhelming. The science is complicated. Predictions about the fate of the planet carry endless caveats and asterisks.We get it.So we’ve put together a list of quick answers to often-asked questions about climate change. This should give you a running start on understanding the problem.
20 Apr 2018 |
Sunny skies and mild temperatures are a trademark of San Diego, which help make its tourism industry the third largest in the country — amounting to nearly $9.9 billion annually, which translates to a regional impact of over $16 billion generated for the economy, according to the San Diego Tourism Authority.But San Diego is about ...