US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: journalArticle


Apr 2018


A Health Impact Assessment of California’s Proposed Cap-and-Trade Regulations

Objectives. To identify unintended health effects of California’s controversial cap-and-trade regulations and establish health-promoting policy recommendations, we performed a health impact assessment., Methods. We used literature reviews, public data, and local health surveys to qualitatively assess potential health risks and ...



Apr 2018


Dietary choices and greenhouse gas emissions- Assessment of impact of vegetarian and organic options at national scale

This study quantifies the sources of agricultural GHG emissions and explores the impact of diet on GHG emissions in Finland. The emissions associated with production of basic food items were quantified for four diet options. For current average food consumption, emissions from soil represent 62% of the total. The emissions due to ...



Apr 2018


Health consequences of climate change interventions

This year’s Climate Summit in Paris will consider two kinds of interventions: those to reduce the causes of global warming and those to help the world adapt to the effects. Summit participants are now negotiating who will contribute how much to the control of rising temperatures on the earth’s surface and protection of ...



Apr 2018


Potential Impact of Climate Change on World Food Supply

A global assessment of the potential impact of climate change on world food supply suggests that doubling of the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration will lead to only a small decrease in global crop production. But developing countries are likely to bear the brunt of the problem, and simulations of the effect of adaptive ...



Apr 2018


Climate change and human health: the role of nurses in confronting the issue

Climate change will impact human health in various ways as the ecology of our planet changes. Environmental changes such as increased heat waves, sea-level rise, and increased drought around the globe will aggravate already-existing health problems, increase the onset of new health problems, and, in some cases, cause premature death. ...



Apr 2018


The impact of incinerators on human health and environment

Of the total wastes generated by health-care organizations, 10%-25% are biomedical wastes, which are hazardous to humans and the environment and requires specific treatment and management. For decades, incineration was the method of choice for the treatment of such infectious wastes. Incinerator releases a wide variety of pollutants ...



Apr 2018


Managing the Health Impacts of Drought in Brazil

Drought is often a hidden risk with the potential to become a silent public health disaster. It is difficult to define precisely when it starts or when it is over, and although it is a climatological event, its impacts depend on other human activities, and are intensified by social vulnerability. In Brazil, half of all […]



Apr 2018


Emerging roles of health care providers to mitigate climate change impacts: a perspective from East Harlem, New York

Professional associations of health care workers are issuing policy statements on climate change and health with greater frequency, calling on their members to act in their duty to protect and fulfill the right to health. These health care providers’ perceptions of their roles in the intersection of climate and health, however, ...



Apr 2018


Climate change, aeroallergens, and pediatric allergic disease

The degree to which aeroallergens are contributing to the global increase in pediatric allergic disease is incompletely understood. We review the evidence that links climate change to changes in aeroallergens such as pollen and outdoor mold concentrations and, subsequently, aeroallergen association with pediatric allergic disease. We ...



Apr 2018


Common ragweed: a threat to environmental health in Europe

Common or short ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is an annual herb belonging to the Asteraceae family that was described by Carl Linnaeus in the 18th century. It is a noxious invasive species that is an important weed in agriculture and a source of highly allergenic pollen. The importance placed on A. artemisiifolia is reflected ...
