US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: journalArticle


Apr 2018


Climate change and human survival

The IPCC has already concluded that it is “virtually certain that human influence has warmed the global climate system” and that it is “extremely likely that more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010” is anthropogenic. Its new report outlines the future threats of further ...



Apr 2018


Climate change: Assessing effects on health and wealth of populations

Can the health consequences of climate change be at the center of discussions at this year’s climate summit in Paris? Very possibly. Pope Francis’ encyclical letter and The Lancet’s excellent report on the topic give us hope. Now the World Federation of Public Health Associations (whose Federation’s Pages we publish in JPHP) ...



Apr 2018


Do Americans Understand That Global Warming Is Harmful to Human Health? Evidence From a National Survey

Global warming has significant negative consequences for human health, with some groups at greater risk than others. The extent to which the public is aware of these risks is unclear; the limited extant research has yielded discrepant findings.



Apr 2018


Doctors call for divestment from fossil fuels

The international divest–invest movement, which has been gaining momentum since it began in 2012, is making in-roads into the medical community. In 2014, the British Medical Association committed to divesting from fossil fuels and The Royal Australasian College of Physicians followed suit in June. The CMA has over $29 million in ...



Apr 2018


El Nino and climate change—contributing factors in the dispersal of Zika virus in the Americas?

In their letter, Isaac I Bogoch and colleagues anticipated the international spread of Zika virus from Brazil through air traffic. Permissive climatic conditions for Aedes mosquitoes might have contributed to the explosive spread of Zika virus in Brazil. In fact, the 2015 El Niño caused exceptional climatic conditions in ...



Apr 2018


Extreme events as sources of health vulnerability: Drought as an example

The health risks of climate change arise from the interactions of the hazards associated with a changing climate (e.g. increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather and climate events, such as drought), the communities exposed to those hazards, the susceptibility of communities to adverse health impacts when exposed, ...



Apr 2018


Food security under climate change

Using food prices to assess climate change impacts on food security is misleading. Differential impacts on income require a broader measure of household well-being, such as changes in absolute poverty.



Apr 2018


Food, hunger, health, and climate change

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the effects of climate change on food security could be some of the most serious in the near-to-medium term, especially if global mean temperature increases by 3–4°C or more. In The Lancet, Marco Springmann and colleagues dig deeper, and report the most advanced ...



Apr 2018


Climate change: what needs to be done

Finding the necessary political will to act is the biggest challenge facing climate policy, says Tom BurkeIf we are to meet the challenge of generating political will, the climate conversation must involve everyone, from all professions and all walks of life. Political will is built into the base of society; it is not something that ...



Apr 2018


Contraction and convergence: the best possible solution to the twin problems of climate change and inequity

Much is now known about anthropogenically induced climate change, its impacts on the planet’s species, and the need for urgent action to avoid catastrophe.1 2 The unequal distribution of resources between the materially rich and the materially poor amplifies the multiple adverse effects of climate change, so disrupting ecosystems, ...
