US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: southeast


Apr 2018


Position Statement on Climate Change

NCEJN developed a statement to explain our environmental justice perspective on climate change to predominantly white environmental groups that seek to partner with us. NCEJN opposes strategies that reduce greenhouse emissions while maintaining or magnifying existing social, economic, and environmental injustices. Wealthy communities ...



Apr 2018


Climate Change, Environmental Challenges and Vulnerable Communities: Assessing Legacies of the Past, Building Opportunities for the Future

This report draws from the previously described social vulnerability models and other resources to examine the effects of extreme weather events and climate-related challenges among vulnerable populations and highlighting opportunities for future focus. The intent of this research is to provide an inventory of available baseline data ...



Apr 2018


Regional Climate Action Plan, Health Impact Assessment (HIA): Minimizing the Health Effects of Climate Change in the South Florida Region

The RCAP HIA comprehensively assessed the 110 climate change adaptation and mitigation policy recommendations put forth in the SEFRCCC RCAP to determine the health effects of climate change, specifically sea level rise (SLR) and heat waves. The HIA has the potential to describe the magnitude and distribution of climate change related ...



Apr 2018


Health issues due to sea level rise impact communities in South Florida

The Florida Institute for Health Innovation released a report today on communities from Palm Beach to Key West with the greatest risk for adverse health effects of sea level rise and mapped zones most prone to environmental sea level rise impacts, described associated public health risks and identified the region’s socially, ...



Apr 2018


Climate & Health

The Climate-Ready NC program is part of a national public health effort to anticipate and prepare for human health effects related to global and local climate change. Climate-Ready NC is supported by the Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Climate and Health External ...



Apr 2018


Protecting health of North Carolinians means addressing climate change

Instead of responding to the urgent threat to the health and well-being of our residents, North Carolina has chosen to join 26 other states in suing the Environmental Protection Agency. It is hiding behind a protective order from the U.S. Supreme Court allowing states to hold off on taking measures to stop carbon emissions as […]



Apr 2018


Our Health At Risk: Why Are Millions of Americans Still Breathing Unhealthy Air?

Despite decades of progress under the Clean Air Act, Americans across the country continue to breathe unhealthy air, leading to increased risk of premature death, asthma attacks and other adverse health impacts. This report details necessary actions to address the air pollution problems affecting people in communities across the ...



Apr 2018


Health Impact Assessment: Minimizing the Health Effects of Climate Change in the South Florida Region

The HIA has the potential to describe the magnitude and distribution of climate changeJrelated health impacts for a portion of the 5.6 million residents in Broward, Miami Dade, Palm Beach and Monroe counties. Therefore, an understanding of the widespread impact of SLR and heat waves on the health of millions of constituents will be ...
