US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: northwest


Apr 2018


Public Health Impacts of Climate Change in Washington State: Projected Mortality Risks Due to Heat Events and Air Pollution

In this study, the historical relationship between mortality rates and heat events in several counties in Washington was examined and used to project number of deaths above the baseline expected to occur in the future. Future excess deaths due to ground-level ozone concentrations was also estimated.



Apr 2018


How Will Climate Change Affect Human Health in Washington? in: Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Washington State: Technical Summaryies for Decision Makers. State of Knowledge Report prepared for the Washington State Department of Ecology

Studies of climate change impacts on human health in the Pacific Northwest are limited. Research to date finds that climate change is likely to increase rates of heat related illnesses (including heat exhaustion and stroke); respiratory illness (e.g., allergies, asthma); vector-, water-, and food-borne diseases; and mental health ...



Apr 2018


Climate Change and Public Health Preparation Plan: An assessment of public health impacts of climate change and actions to protect our health.

This public health plan is a part of broader ongoing efforts by the City of Portland and Multnomah County to make our infrastructure, our natural environment, and our society more resilient to climate change. This plan communicates why we as a community, as policymakers and as public health professionals should care about climate ...



Apr 2018


How Farmworkers Experience A Warming Climate

Rising summer temperatures will particularly affect the health of people who make a living outdoors – building roads, landscaping yards and harvesting crops.



Apr 2018


Hotter Summers Mean More Health Risks In Urban Heat Islands

Climate change models are predicting hotter summers in the Northwest, and experts say the health risks from that heat are higher in places known as urban heat islands.



Apr 2018


Climate Change and Public Health

As the climate changes, we’re exposed to new health risks. Oregon’s Public Health Division is working to better understand how we can prepare for these new risks and protect our communities. Together with local health jurisdictions, state agencies, and non-profit partners we’re identifying Oregon’s most vulnerable populations ...



Apr 2018


Oregon Climate and Health Profile Report

Oregon is one of many states studying and planning for the health impacts of climate change. As a participant in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Climate Ready States and Cities Initiative, the Oregon Health Authority’s Public Health Division (OHA) is undertaking a climate and health adaptation planning ...



Apr 2018


Wildfire Smoke and Your Health

When smoke levels are high, even healthy people may have symptoms or health problems. The best thing to do is to limit your exposure to smoke. Depending on your situation, a combination of the strategies below may work best and give you the most protection from wildfire smoke. The more you do to limit your […]



Apr 2018


Climate change driving bacteria growth in lakes

Every summer, a handful of Oregon’s most popular crystal blue lakes are shut down by public health authorities because of harmful algae blooms. Sometimes called blue-green algae, the blooms are caused by a toxin-producing bacteria, often forming a green paint-like scum on the surface of the water that can cause health problems for ...



Apr 2018


The Human Health Effects of Rail Transport of Coal Through Multnomah County, Oregon: A Health Analysis and Recommendations for Further Action

This health analysis considers the potential impacts and human health consequences of three proposed coal export projects that could result in rail transport of coal through Multnomah County. The goals of this analysis are to: •Synthesize scientific knowledge about the human health impacts of coal transportation by rail •Identify ...
