US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: co-benefits/co-harms


Apr 2018


The health benefits of tackling climate change: An Executive Summary for The Lancet Series on Health and Climate Change.

The threat of climate change has generated a global flood of policy documents, suggested technical fixes, and lifestyle recommendations. One widely held view is that their implementation would, almost without exception, prove socially uncomfortable and economically painful. But as a series of new studies shows, in one domain at ...



Apr 2018


Cooling the Planet, Clearing the Air: Climate Policy, Carbon Pricing, and Co-Benefits

Policies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions can yield substantial co-benefits via reduced emissions of co-pollutants such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and air toxics. Valuation studies suggest that these benefits may be comparable in magnitude to the value of reduced carbon emissions. However, co-pollutant intensity (the ...



Apr 2018


Are cars the new tobacco?

BACKGROUND: Public health must continually respond to new threats reflecting wider societal changes. Ecological public health recognizes the links between human health and global sustainability. We argue that these links are typified by the harms caused by dependence on private cars. METHODS: We present routine data and literature on ...



Apr 2018


Climate change and eHealth: a promising strategy for health sector mitigation and adaptation

Climate change is one of today’s most pressing global issues. Policies to guide mitigation and adaptation are needed to avoid the devastating impacts of climate change. The health sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in developed countries, and its climate impact in low-income countries is growing ...



Apr 2018


Cool Neighbourhoods Are Healthy Neighbourhoods: How local government actions on climate change help to create healthier communities – urban and suburban edition

The purpose of this briefing paper is to help ignite further collaboration between local government and health sectors around the development and adoption of mutual strategies for health and environmental benefits. The paper provides a brief overivew of the health impacts of climate change and outlines the health co-benefits of ...



Apr 2018


Climate Change, the Indoor Environment, and Health.

The indoor environment affects occupants’ health and comfort. Poor environmental conditions and indoor contaminants are estimated to cost the U.S. economy tens of billions of dollars a year in exacerbation of illnesses like asthma, allergic symptoms, and subsequent lost productivity. Climate change has the potential to affect ...



Apr 2018


Does eating local food reduce the environmental impact of food production and enhance consumer health?

The concept of local food has gained traction in the media, engaged consumers and offered farmers a new marketing tool. Positive claims about the benefits of local food are probably not harmful when made by small-scale producers at the local level; however, greater concern would arise should such claims be echoed in policy circles. ...



Apr 2018


Energy and human health

Energy use is central to human society and provides many health benefits. But each source of energy entails some health risks. This article reviews the health impacts of each major source of energy, focusing on those with major implications for the burden of disease globally. The biggest health impacts accrue to the harvesting and ...



Apr 2018


Health co-benefits and risks of public health adaptation strategies to climate change: a review of current literature

OBJECTIVES: Many public health adaptation strategies have been identified in response to climate change. This report reviews current literature on health co-benefits and risks of these strategies to gain a better understanding of how they may affect health. METHODS: A literature review was conducted electronically using English ...



Apr 2018


Obesity and climate change mitigation in Australia: overview and analysis of policies with co-benefits

OBJECTIVE: To provide an overview of the shared structural causes of obesity and climate change, and analyse policies that could be implemented in Australia to both equitably reduce obesity rates and contribute to mitigating climate change. METHODS: Informed by the political economy of health theoretical framework, a review was ...
