US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: academic


Apr 2018


Oceans and Human Health: a rising tide of challenges and opportunities for Europe

The European Marine Board recently published a position paper on linking oceans and human health as a strategic research priority for Europe. With this position paper as a reference, the March 2014 Cornwall Oceans and Human Health Workshop brought together key scientists, policy makers, funders, business, and non governmental ...



Apr 2018


Preparing health services for climate change in Australia

Although the implications of climate change for public health continue to be elucidated, we still require much work to guide the development of a comprehensive strategy to underpin the adaptation of the health system. Adaptation will be an evolving process as impacts emerge. The authors aim is to focus on the responses of the ...



Apr 2018


Preventing cold-related morbidity and mortality in a changing climate

Winter weather patterns are anticipated to become more variable with increasing average global temperatures. Research shows that excess morbidity and mortality occurs during cold weather periods. We critically reviewed evidence relating temperature variability, health outcomes, and adaptation strategies to cold weather. Health ...



Apr 2018


Projecting future heat-related mortality under climate change scenarios: a systematic review

BACKGROUND: Heat-related mortality is a matter of great public health concern, especially in the light of climate change. Although many studies have found associations between high temperatures and mortality, more research is needed to project the future impacts of climate change on heat-related mortality. OBJECTIVES: We conducted a ...



Apr 2018


Reducing the environmental impact of dietary choice: perspectives from a behavioural and social change approach

Climate change is recognised as a significant public health issue that will impact on food security. One of the major contributors to global warming is the livestock industry, and, relative to plant-based agriculture, meat production has a much higher environmental impact in relation to freshwater use, amount of land required, and ...



Apr 2018


Renewable energy and sustainable communities: Alaska’s wind generator experience

BACKGROUND: In 1984, the Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development (DCED) issued the State’s first inventory/economic assessment of wind generators, documenting installed wind generator capacity and the economics of replacing diesel-fuel-generated electricity. Alaska’s wind generation capacity had grown from ...



Apr 2018


Rights, knowledge, and governance for improved health equity in urban settings

All three of the interacting aspects of daily urban life (physical environment, social conditions, and the added pressure of climate change) that affect health inequities are nested within the concept of urban governance, which has the task of understanding and managing the interactions among these different factors so that all three ...



Apr 2018


The climate change-infectious disease nexus: is it time for climate change syndemics?

Conceptualizing climate as a distinct variable limits our understanding of the synergies and interactions between climate change and the range of abiotic and biotic factors, which influence animal health. Frameworks such as eco-epidemiology and the epi-systems approach, while more holistic, view climate and climate change as one of ...



Apr 2018


The debate on climate change and health in the context of ecological public health: a necessary corrective to Costello et al.’s ‘biggest global health threat’, or co-opted apologists for the neoliberal hegemony?

The threat posed to global health by climate change has been widely discussed internationally. The United Kingdom public health community seem to have accepted this as fact and have called for urgent action on climate change, often through state interventionist mitigation strategies and the adoption of a risk discourse. Putting aside ...



Apr 2018


The effectiveness of public health interventions to reduce the health impact of climate change: a systematic review of systematic reviews

BACKGROUND: Climate change is likely to be one of the most important threats to public health in the coming years. Yet despite the large number of papers considering the health impact of climate change, few have considered what public health interventions may be of most value in reducing the disease burden. We aimed to evaluate […]
