US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: academic


Apr 2018


Importance of food-demand management for climate mitigation

Recent studies show that current trends in yield improvement will not be sufficient to meet projected global food demand in 2050, and suggest that a further expansion of agricultural area will be required. However, agriculture is the main driver of losses of biodiversity and a major contributor to climate change and pollution, and so ...



Apr 2018


Climate change, conflict, and health

Future climate change is predicted to diminish essential natural resource availability in many regions and perhaps globally. The resulting scarcity of water, food and livelihoods could lead to increasingly desperate populations that challenge governments, enhancing the risk of intra- and interstate conflict. Defence establishments ...



Apr 2018


Health and climate benefits of different energy-efficiency and renewable energy choices

Energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) can benefit public health and the climate by displacing emissions from fossil-fuelled electrical generating units (EGUs). Benefits can vary substantially by EE/RE installation type and location, due to differing electricity generation or savings by location, characteristics of the ...



Apr 2018


Environmental attitudes and political partisanship

OBJECTIVE: To explore the impact of political partisanship on environmental attitudes related to climate change in United States and its implications for public health. STUDY DESIGN: An integrative literature review. METHODS: A literature review of English articles was performed from January 2013 to March 2013 using the following ...



Apr 2018


Association of Improved Air Quality with Lung Development in Children

Air-pollution levels have been trending downward progressively over the past several decades in southern California, as a result of the implementation of air quality–control policies. We assessed whether long-term reductions in pollution were associated with improvements in respiratory health among children.



Apr 2018


The green dividend of urban biking? Evidence of improved community and sustainable development

As the cost of car ownership has skyrocketed, urban biking has experienced the largest share increase of any transportation mode, rising by 40% between the years 2000 and 2014. Growing attention is being paid to the potential local economic development impacts of urban neighbourhoods becoming more bike-friendly. It is now a green ...



Apr 2018


The epidemiology of occupational heat exposure in the United States: a review of the literature and assessment of research needs in a changing climate

In recent years, the United States has experienced record-breaking summer heat. Climate change models forecast increasing US temperatures and more frequent heat wave events in the coming years. Exposure to environmental heat is a significant, but overlooked, workplace hazard that has not been well-characterized or studied. The ...



Apr 2018


Climate Justice in Rural Southeastern United States: A review of Climate Change Impacts and Effects on Human Health

Climate justice is a local, national, and global movement to protect at-risk populations who are disproportionately affected by climate change. The social context for this review is the Southeastern region of the United States, which is particularly susceptible to climate change because of the geography of the area and the ...



Apr 2018


Climate change and health research in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Anthropologically induced climate change, caused by an increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, is an emerging threat to human health. Consequences of climate change may affect the prevalence of various diseases and environmental and social maladies that affect population health. In this article, we reviewed the ...



Apr 2018


Climate hotspots: key vulnerable regions, climate change and limits to warming

Defining and operationalizing Article 2 of the UNFCCC remains a challenge. The question of what is dangerous climate change is not a purely scientific one, as danger necessarily has a subjective dimension and its definition requires judgment and precaution. The papers in this special issue of Regional Environmental Change attempt to ...
