Call for Papers for Special Issue on Climate Change & Health from the Journal of Wilderness & Environmental Medicine
The widespread consequences of climate change—warming temperatures, extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and elevated atmospheric and ocean carbon dioxide levels—would almost certainly have substantial impact on human health in both direct and indirect manners. It is part of the mission of the Wilderness Medical Society to serve as an educational resource for the community and to encourage thoughtful research.
WEM is now seeking manuscripts describing evidence-based scholarship evaluating human health and human health threats related to a changing environment. Accepted papers will be compiled in a special issue of the journal. If the number accepted is not sufficient to fill a special issue, accepted papers will be included in regular issues.
All manuscripts will undergo our standard review process, with critical evaluation of the work. Please note that we cannot evaluate abstracts or incomplete works.
This call for submissions is open now through June 2017, with the goal of preparing the special issue in late 2017. We are most interested in original research reports, full or brief, but will also consider appropriate review articles. Please see further information on the journal and submission procedures here.