US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: overview/general


Apr 2018


6 Ways Climate Change Harms Health in California

Our health and climate are inextricably linked. From polluted air quality to shrinking food and waters supplies, communities across California—and around the world—are already experiencing climate change’s harmful health impacts. The looming effects upon California’s communities, particularly those that are ...



Apr 2018


Documenting the Human Health Impacts of Climate Change in Tropical and Subtropical Regions

Climate change is harming human health, and the magnitude of the harm is increasing. This is especially true in tropical and subtropical regions that are vulnerable to greater intensity, frequency, and duration of extreme weather, such as hurricanes, drought, and increases in heat, as a result of climate change. Nearly all countries ...



Apr 2018


The physician’s response to climate change

Climate change will have an effect on the health and well-being of the populations cared for by practicing physicians. The anticipated medical effects include heat- and cold-related deaths, cardiovascular illnesses, injuries and mental harms from extreme weather events, respiratory illnesses caused by poor air quality, infectious ...



Apr 2018


Views of AAAAI members on climate change and health

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology members are witnessing medical problems caused by climate change among their patients. They support physician leadership on environmental sustainability, advocacy by physicians and their associations, and education for themselves, their patients, the public, and undergraduate ...



Apr 2018


A survey of African American physicians on the health effects of climate change

The U.S. National Climate Assessment concluded that climate change is harming the health of many Americans and identified people in some communities of color as particularly vulnerable to these effects. In Spring 2014, we surveyed members of the National Medical Association, a society of African American physicians who care for a ...



Apr 2018


Climate Health, Your Health: Prevention Is Protection

Climate disruption is harmful to your health. Dr. Linda Rudolph and Dr. Barbara Sattler are showing how our success or failure as a civilization may well hinge on how ingenious, nimble and socially just our public health systems can become in restoring the ecosystem health on which all health depends. And doing the right thing […]



Apr 2018


Heat vulnerability in Phoenix, Arizona: Health outcomes, sensitivity, exposure, and coping capcity at the neighborhood scale

Vulnerability to heat hazards is on the rise in cities. Heat hazards appear at the intersection of seasonally hot climates, summer heat waves, and sity-specific urban heat islands, and are exacerbated by localized climate change effects. Urban heat waves linked to global and regional climate change have been shown to have inceased in ...



Apr 2018


JAMA Forum: Communicating the Health Effects of Climate Change

As 2015 draws to a close, on track to be the hottest year ever recorded, global attention to climate change has soared. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), composed of more than 2000 of the world’s leading climate change scientists, has stated with confidence that the major driver of rising ...



Apr 2018


AMA Position Statement on Climate Change and Human Health

Human health is ultimately dependent on the health of the planet and its ecosystem. The AMA recognises the latest findings regarding the science of climate change, the role of humans, past observations and future projections. The consequences of climate change have serious direct and indirect, observed and projected health impacts ...



Apr 2018


Health Benefits of a Low-Carbon Future

In 2007, the City of Toronto adopted the target of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across Toronto by 80% by the year 2050, relative to 1990 levels. The purpose of the report is to assist Toronto Public Health to better understand the health benefits, and any negative health impacts (harms), of GHG-reduction actions that could ...
