US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: overview/general


Apr 2018


Health Care & Climate Change: An Opportunity for Transformative Leadership

The reversal of climate change will pivot around fundamental realignments in the ways that energy is created and consumed. The report provides detailed guidelines and case studies to help hospital leaders and facilities’ staff develop comprehensive strategies to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels through the use of “clean ...



Apr 2018


The Health Impacts of Energy Choices: A Briefing Paper for the Health Community

Access to energy for cooking, heating, transport, and productive activities is essential to human health. Access to electricity is also critical to improving health service delivery, strengthening health systems, and achieving universal health coverage. As the World Health Organization (WHO) observes, “energy access in health ...



Apr 2018


List of IPCC and climate change communications research

This list is a compilation of academic papers and books that are relevant as background reading for the IPCC Expert Meeting on Communications in Oslo, Feb. 9-10, 2016. The is by no means an attempt to make a complete list, and references may be somewhat arbitrary. It is compiled by CICERO Center for International Climate […]



Apr 2018


Training Manual: Climate and Health

IFMSA is proudly launching today a training manual, titled Climate and Health: Enabling Students and Young Professionals to Understand and Act Upon Climate Change Using a Health Narrative, developed in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO), and the United Nations Alliance on Climate Change Education, Training and ...



Apr 2018


The Human Health Effects of Rail Transport of Coal Through Multnomah County, Oregon A Health Analysis and Recommendations for Further Action

Balancing the potential benefits and harms of using coal as an energy source is an ongoing challenge for local communities and the global economy. Coal is a natural resource that has long been used to power a wide variety of activities. It is a non-renewable resource; the bulk of the coal mined today is about […]



Apr 2018


The Multifunctionality of Green Infrastructure

Green Infrastructure (GI) stands to improve quality of life in many ways, through its environmental, social and economic credentials, based on the multifunctional use of natural capital. Potentially a very valuable policy tool, GI’s multifunctionality could contribute to the achievement of a number of policy aims and fulfil the ...



Apr 2018


Human Health in the Face of Climate Change: Science, Medicine, and Adaptation

There is significant scientific evidence indicating that the global climate is changing, largely due to human activities. Such climatic fluctuations may adversely impact human health and well-being in a variety of ways, including through exposure to extreme weather events; disruption of ecosystems, agriculture, and food production; ...



Apr 2018


Presdent’s State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience: Recommendations to the President

Across America, states, cities, and communities are taking steps to protect themselves from extreme weather and other climate impacts. As part of his Climate Action Plan, President Obama signed an Executive Order on November 1st, 2013 establishing a Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience to advise the Administration on how ...



Apr 2018


Healthy Environment, Healthy People

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development highlights critical links between development, the environment, human well-being and the full enjoyment of a wide range of human rights, including the rights to life, health, food, water and sanitation. This report summarizes for Governments, policy makers and stakeholders the evidence of ...



Apr 2018


The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States

Climate change is a significant threat to the health of the American people. The impacts of human-induced climate change are increasing nationwide. Rising greenhouse gas concentrations result in increases in temperature, changes in precipitation, increases in the frequency and intensity of some extreme weather events, and rising sea ...
