US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: transportation


Apr 2018


Seasonal Produce: A Guide to Seasonal Produce Grown in San Luis Obispo County

Infographic guide to seasonal produce grown in San Luis Obispo county produced by the local health authority



Apr 2018


Air pollution and early deaths in the United States. Part I: Quantifying the impact of major sectors in 2005

Highlights •Ozone and PM impacts of the major combustion sectors in the U.S. are modeled. •Early deaths attributable to each sector are estimated. •∼200,000 early deaths occur in the U.S. each year due to U.S. combustion emissions. •The leading causes are road transportation and power generation. Abstract: Combustion ...



Apr 2018


Association of Improved Air Quality with Lung Development in Children

Air-pollution levels have been trending downward progressively over the past several decades in southern California, as a result of the implementation of air quality–control policies. We assessed whether long-term reductions in pollution were associated with improvements in respiratory health among children.



Apr 2018


Cobenefits of replacing car trips with alternative transportation: a review of evidence and methodological issues

It has been reported that motor vehicle emissions contribute nearly a quarter of world energy-related greenhouse gases and cause nonnegligible air pollution primarily in urban areas. Reducing car use and increasing ecofriendly alternative transport, such as public and active transport, are efficient approaches to mitigate harmful ...



Apr 2018


Health co-benefits of climate change mitigation: transport sector

Cycling, walking and rapid transit systems are associated with a wide range of potential health benefits that climate assessment needs to consider more systematically. Health benefits may include: physical activity from walking and cycling, which can help prevent heart disease, some cancers, type 2 diabetes, and some obesity-related ...



Apr 2018


The Human Health Effects of Rail Transport of Coal Through Multnomah County, Oregon: A Health Analysis and Recommendations for Further Action

This health analysis considers the potential impacts and human health consequences of three proposed coal export projects that could result in rail transport of coal through Multnomah County. The goals of this analysis are to: •Synthesize scientific knowledge about the human health impacts of coal transportation by rail •Identify ...



Apr 2018


OutsideIn SLO

We care about healthy living in San Luis Obispo County. That is why we are concerned about climate change. Now is the time to come together as a community and talk about how climate change is affecting our well-being. The good news is, many actions that help limit climate change also improve the health of […]



Apr 2018


Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Is Only the Beginning: A Literature Review of the Co-Benefits of Reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled

While state goals for reducing GHG emissions have been one motivation for the shift to VMT measures, reductions in VMT produce many other potential benefits, referred to as “cobenefits,” such as reductions in other air pollutant emissions, water pollution, wildlife mortality, and traffic congestion, as well as improvements in ...



Apr 2018


Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Health Co-Benefits: A Structured Review of Lifestyle-Related Climate Change Mitigation Strategies

This is the first structured review to identify and summarize research on lifestyle choices that improve health and have the greatest potential to mitigate climate change. Two literature searches were conducted on: (1) active transport health co-benefits, and (2) dietary health co-benefits.
