US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: author


Apr 2018


Mental Health and Our Changing Climate: Impacts, Implications, and Guidance

When you think about climate change, mental health might not be the first thing that comes to mind. Americans are beginning to grow familiar with climate change and its health impacts: worsening asthma and allergies; heat-related stress; foodborne, waterborne, and vector-borne diseases; illness and injury related to storms; and ...



Apr 2018


Nuestro Futuro: Climate Change and U.S. Latinos

(In both English and Spanish) This report examines the unique challenges facing U.S. Latinos, as well as the tremendous opportunities available if we take climate action. Solutions like ramping up wind and solar energy and increased energy efficiency will help to create well-paid jobs, save money by cutting electric bills, and help ...



Apr 2018


Latino Communities at Risk: The Impact of Air Pollution from the Oil and Gas Industry

Many Latino communities face serious health risks caused by air pollution. What’s more, higher poverty levels and relatively lower rates of health insurance increase these health threats from air pollution translating into a bigger health burden on Latino communities. This report for the first time quantifies the elevated health ...



Apr 2018


LIGHTS OUT IN THE COLD: Reforming Utility Shut-Off Policies as If Human Rights Matter

This report provides a comprehensive overview of common disconnection protections and policies employed by utilities nationwide, explores critical issues that should be considered in the development of disconnection policies, and calls for concrete action toward establishing policies that protect the well-being of all utility ...



Apr 2018


San Francisco Department of Public Health Extreme Heat Response Plan: An Annex to the SFDPH Emergency Operations Plan

This report gives an overview of San Francisco’s response to extreme heat events, organized by department and area for specific order of response and command. Heat emergencies are often slower to develop, taking several days of continuous, oppressive heat before a significant or quantifiable impact is seen. Heat waves do not ...



Apr 2018


Multiple health benefits of urban tree canopy: The mounting evidence for a green prescription

The purpose of this study was to enhance the understanding of the health-promoting potential of trees in an urbanized region of the United States. This was done using high-resolution LiDAR and imagery data to quantify tree cover within 250 m of the residence of 7910 adult participants in the California Health Interview Survey, then ...



Apr 2018


Our Health At Risk

The Environment Montana Research and Policy Center has released a city-by-city report on air pollution in Montana. “Our message today is clear,” Borden began. “Even one day with unhealthy air is too many. We think burning dirty fuels like coal, oil and gas threatens our health, and it’s time to switch to 100 percent clean, ...



Apr 2018


AACP Position Statement: Mental Health and Climate Change

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) recognizes that climate change poses a threat to public health, including mental health. Those with mental health disorders are disproportionately impacted by the consequences of climate change. APA recognizes and commits to support and collaborate with patients, communities, and other ...



Apr 2018


US cities taking the lead on combating climate change: Residents, officials coming together

Significant efforts to curb climate change in the U.S. may not be forthcoming at the federal level, if recent attacks on environmental science are any indication. But cities nationwide are stepping up to the challenge, combating climate change through concerted initiatives between residents and local governments. Members of USCHA ...



Apr 2018


Unmasking Our Cities From Air Pollution Will Require Local, State, and Federal Climate Solutions

The Unmask My City campaign launched on May 2nd—World Asthma Day—in ten cities around the world. A partnership of the Global Climate and Health Alliance, the US Climate and Health Alliance, Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment and many others, the campaign uses LED-equipped face masks that allow people to see whether the air ...
