US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: author


Apr 2018


American Nurses Association- Michigan Resolution on Global Climate Change

The American Nurses Association 2008 House of Delegates recognized and publicly acknowledged that the challenges we face as a result of global climate change are unprecedented in human history and it is critical that nurses speak out in a united voice and advocate for change on both individual and policy levels.



Apr 2018


Facing the Future: How Science Can Help Prepare San Diego Regional Leaders for Climate Change

Recent public opinion surveys have found that an overwhelming majority- 84% – of San Diego County residents believe climate change is happening, and almost as many expect the impacts to affect them, thier families and future generations. This report is meant to provide those who live, do business and govern in our region with ...



Apr 2018


Out with the coal, in with the new

This report illustrates the environmental and health benefits of a national accelerated phase-out of coal-fired electricity by 2030. Our analysis is derived from the federal government’s Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement (RIAS) made available following the development of its existing regulation for coal-fired power in 2012.



Apr 2018


Health Highlights: Pembina Institute Report- Out with the Coal, In with the New

The Pembina Institute, in collaboration with ten health organizations and four environmental organizations, has released a new report, Out with the coal, in with the new: National benefits of an accelerated phase-out of coal-fired power, which estimates the air pollution-related health benefits associated with a Canada-wide phase-out ...



Apr 2018


Climate change is real. It’s serious. But we can do something about it!

This website and curriculum was developed by Nancy Villasenor in English and Spanish for health promoters. The curriculum was informed by field testing and surveys of adult Latina learners and research- Villansenor subsequently developed videos, a curriculum, fact sheets, resource lists and more.



Apr 2018


Distributed solar energy can improve public health in Arizona

We have a clean air problem in Arizona. Families are breathing polluted air that causes asthma, chronic lung and heart disease. We have the tools to fix this problem. Arizona has the greatest U.S. potential for solar energy, our natural resource that is abundant, clean, and cheaper every day.



Apr 2018


Climate Change and Anesthesiology’s Response

It’s time to broaden the scope of our thinking about our health care duties as anesthesiologists, and embrace our role in global health. Anesthesiologists can model conservation practices, through leading by personal example, as well as through education of students, residents, patients, and other health professional colleagues and ...



Apr 2018


Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Is Only the Beginning: A Literature Review of the Co-Benefits of Reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled

While state goals for reducing GHG emissions have been one motivation for the shift to VMT measures, reductions in VMT produce many other potential benefits, referred to as “cobenefits,” such as reductions in other air pollutant emissions, water pollution, wildlife mortality, and traffic congestion, as well as improvements in ...



Apr 2018


Advocating for Health in a Warming World: A Health Advocate’s Perspective

Health advocacy is an exercise in compassion, driven by concerns for all people, a concern that is as essential in the policy debates as health science, if we are serious about addressing climate change. Martin Luther King famously said, ‘‘The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice.’’19 But the problem ...



Apr 2018


Protecting health of North Carolinians means addressing climate change

Instead of responding to the urgent threat to the health and well-being of our residents, North Carolina has chosen to join 26 other states in suing the Environmental Protection Agency. It is hiding behind a protective order from the U.S. Supreme Court allowing states to hold off on taking measures to stop carbon emissions as […]
