US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: air pollution


Apr 2018


Minding the Climate Gap: What’s at Stake if California’s Climate Law Isn’t Done Right and Right Away

This report explores whether or not implementation of cap-and-trade in California might fail to capture public health benefits, or even make an already inequitable situation worse, taking into account co-pollutants.



Apr 2018


Public Health Impacts of Climate Change in Washington State: Projected Mortality Risks Due to Heat Events and Air Pollution

In this study, the historical relationship between mortality rates and heat events in several counties in Washington was examined and used to project number of deaths above the baseline expected to occur in the future. Future excess deaths due to ground-level ozone concentrations was also estimated.



Apr 2018


The Climate Gap: Inequalities in How Climate Change Hurts Americans & How to Close the Gap

This report explores disparities in the impacts of climate change and the abilities of different groups to adapt to it. It also offers concrete recommendations to closin the climate gap, starting with insuring that climate solutions don’t leave anyone behind.



Apr 2018


Cooling the Planet, Clearing the Air: Climate Policy, Carbon Pricing, and Co-Benefits

Policies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions can yield substantial co-benefits via reduced emissions of co-pollutants such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and air toxics. Valuation studies suggest that these benefits may be comparable in magnitude to the value of reduced carbon emissions. However, co-pollutant intensity (the ...



Apr 2018


Are cars the new tobacco?

BACKGROUND: Public health must continually respond to new threats reflecting wider societal changes. Ecological public health recognizes the links between human health and global sustainability. We argue that these links are typified by the harms caused by dependence on private cars. METHODS: We present routine data and literature on ...



Apr 2018


A review on black carbon emissions, worldwide and in China

Black carbon (BC) produced from open burning (OB) and controlled combustion (CC) is a range of carbonaceous products of incomplete combustion of biomass and fossil fuel, and is deemed as one of the major contributors to impact global environment and human health. BC has a strong relationship with POPs, in waste combustion, BC ...



Apr 2018


The Unpaid Health Bill: How coal power plants make us sick

This report developed by HEAL aims to provide: – An overview of the scientific evidence on how air pollution impacts health and how emissions from coal power plants are implicated in this; – The first ever economic assessment of the health costs associated with air pollution from coal power plants in Europe; – ...



Apr 2018


Changes in air quality and tropospheric composition due to depletion of stratospheric ozone and interactions with climate

Air pollution will be directly influenced by future changes in emissions of pollutants, climate, and stratospheric ozone, and will have significant consequences for human health and the environment. UV radiation is one of the controlling factors for the formation of photochemical smog, which includes tropospheric ozone (O(3)) and ...



Apr 2018


Climate change, aeroallergens, natural particulates, and human health in Australia: state of the science and policy

The objective of this article is to systematically review and assess what is known about the impacts of climate change on aeroallergens and other naturally derived particulates, and the associated human health impacts, and to examine responses to these in Australia, focusing on adaptation. Prior research was searched using several ...



Apr 2018


Climate change and air quality: the potential impact on health

The objectives of the study were to: consider the potential health impacts in Australia and the region arising from changes in air quality occurring as a result of climate change, identify vulnerable groups and potential adaptation measures and discuss the implications for policy. The authors provide an overview of international and ...
