Created under the global UNFCCC climate change agenda, the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process builds on the National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA) process that was designed to support least-developed countries (LDCs) to identify priority actions to respond to their urgent and immediate adaptation needs. The NAP process is intended to provide support for medium- and long-term adaptation planning needs in LDCs and other developing countries. Having the UNFCCC in general, and the NAP process in particular, as a framework, the present guidance aims to ensure that the health sector works with partners in the environment and other related communities, and follows a systematic process to: 1. Engage in the overall NAP process at the national level. 2. Identify national strategic goals for building health resilience to climate change (if countries have not done so through, for example, a National Health Adaptation Strategy). 3. Develop a national plan with prioritized activities to achieve these goals, within a specific time period and given available resources. The guidance outlines the process to be followed to ensure these goals are achieved. In addition, further guidance on how to plan for building climate resilient health systems at country level is provided