US Climate and Health Alliance

The Great American Adaptation Road Trip: Lessons learned about how hometowns across the United States are building their resilience to climate change


Authors Allie Goldstein and Kirsten Howard took to the roads to experience adaptation first hand across the country. They met with farmers in Georgia, planners on Cape Cod, utility executives in Denver, volunteers in New Orleans, and a host of other Americans struggling to cope with the effects of climate change. And they came back with vivid and compelling tales of ingenuity, resilience, and daunting challenges as people face the changes climate change is bringing to our land, communities, wildlife, and people. They found some surprises along the way. For instance, out of the tragedy and destruction from Superstorm Sandy has come at least one unanticipated benefit—a boom on solar power that’s cutting carbon emissions.

Resource Type
Allie Goldstein Kirsten Howard
Resource URL
Jan 2015
Georgetown Climate Center: A Leading Resource for State and Federal Policy
Organization Type
Climate adaptation/resilience
Climate communication/messaging

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