Home / Health impact assessment of active transportation: A systematic review
Health impact assessment of active transportation: A systematic review
- Abstract
Walking and cycling for transportation (i.e. active transportation, AT), provide substantial health benefits from increased physical activity (PA). However, risks of injury from exposure to motorized traffic and their emissions (i.e. air pollution) exist. The objective was to systematically review studies conducting health impact assessment (HIA) of a mode shift to AT on grounds of associated health benefits and risks.
- Resource Type
- Peer-reviewed article
- Authors
N Mueller
D Rojas-Rueda
T Cole-Hunter
A de Nazelle
E Dons
R Gerike
T Gotschi
LI Panis
S Kahlmeier
M Nieuwenhuijsen
- Resource URL
- http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0091743515001164
- Publication
- Preventive Medicine
- Volume
- 76
- Pages
- 103-114
- Date
- July, 2015
- Organization Type
- Academic
- Health and Human Impact
- Climate and Environmental Impact
Air pollution
- Solution
Active transportation
- Other
Health impact assessment
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