Governments are critical for bringing about the transition to a more sustainablehuman interaction with the environment as they set priorities and policies and maymodel new behavior. Yet, civil society is also indispensable in bringing aboutchange. It is no small challenge to communicate effectively in order to engage civilsociety in this task. Many argue that the federal governments of North America arefailing to provide needed leadership on climate change. In the absence of committedtop-level leadership, bottom-up pressure is building to force policy changes at thefederal level. This volume provides convincing evidence of growing action on cli-mate change at various levels and in different sectors of North America (Farrell andHanemann, this volume; Gore and Robinson, this volume; Rabe, this volume; Selinand VanDeveer, this volume). At the same time, a social movement for climate pro-tection is beginning to emerge (Moser 2007b).