Home / Climate Change and Health Inequities: A Framework for Action
Climate Change and Health Inequities: A Framework for Action
- Abstract
Climate change has been identified as the greatest health challenge of the 21st century. Recently released reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the U.S. National Climate Assessment summarize the current effects of climate change on health, projections that these effects will surely increase, and the disproportionate impact of climate change on the health of vulnerable populations and disadvantaged communities. Yet the public health sector, to date, has not been highly engaged in work to prevent or prepare for climate change, despite calls to do so on the part of numerous public health leaders and organizations.
- Resource Type
- Peer-reviewed article
- Authors
Linda Rudolph
Solange Gould
- Resource URL
- http://www.annalsofglobalhealth.org/article/S2214-9996(15)01206-0/abstract
- Publication
- Annals of Global Health
- Volume
- 81
- Issue
- 3
- Pages
- 432-444
- Date
- June 17, 2015
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aogh.2015.06.003
- Organization Type
- Academic
- Health and Human Impact
- Climate and Environmental Impact
- Solutions
Climate adaptation/resilience
Climate mitigation/GHG reduction
- Other
Climate and environmental justice/health equity
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