US Climate and Health Alliance

Breathing Life into Paris Agreement: Health Can Drive Action


“The world will not end poverty or hunger, or meet the health targets, without addressing climate change. And it will not solve the climate problem without addressing energy, and air pollution,” said UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary Richard Kinley at the Second Global Conference on Health and Climate. The Conference was held July 7 and 8 in Paris and emphasized how protecting public health can drive implementation of the Paris Agreement. The Conference launched the BreatheLife Campaign to raise awareness about the single biggest environmental health crisis—air pollution, which is responsible for about 7 million premature deaths annually and contributes to global warming. The BreatheLife Campaign, a joint effort of the World Health Organization (WHO) and Climate and Clean Air Coalition, aims to raise awareness about the dangerous climate and health impacts from air pollution.

Resource Type
Blog Post
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Resource URL
July 27, 2016
Organization Type
Health and Human Impact
Respiratory disease
Climate and Environmental Impact
Air pollution
Climate mitigation/GHG reduction
Climate action plans

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