White House Webinar on Building Community Preparedness to Extreme Heat
Location: Nationwide
Sponsor: U.S. White House
To attend: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4711595715548871170
The impacts of extreme heat can be devastating, necessitating enhanced preparedness and response. Climate change will increase the frequency and severity of future extreme-heat events, with implications for human health that, absent further adaptation, include increases in heat- related illness and death.
During the White House Webinar on Building Community Preparedness to Extreme Heat, experts from Federal and local government, as well as other organizations, will share information on the impacts of extreme heat, with a focus on certain populations, including children, athletes, the elderly, and outdoor workers. Experts will also highlight actions that individuals, caregivers, public-health officials, and emergency responders can take to prepare for extreme-heat events.