US Climate and Health Alliance

Webinar: CA Climate Action Team Public Health Workgroup Meeting: Active Transportation, Climate Change, & Health Equity

Location: Webinar

Sponsor: California Department of Public Health and the California Air Resources Board

More details: 

The July 18 CAT-PHWG meeting will explore topics related to Active Transportation, Climate Change, and Health Equity. Specific topics planned include a closer look at:
– The California State Bike and Pedestrian Plan
– Integrated Transportation and Health Impacts Model (ITHIM)
– SB 375 Target Setting & Implications for Active Transportation
– SB 1 Transportation Funding & Active Transportation
– Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) & Implications for Active Transportation, Health & Safety

USCHA’s own Neil Maizlish will be presenting.

Register here.

For more information about the meeting and presentation materials to download, please visit the CAT-PHWG Meetings webpage.