US Climate and Health Alliance

Public Health Dimensions of Oil and Gas Production in California (Webinar Available)

Location: CalEPA, Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California. Webinar Available

Sponsor: California Climate Action Team Public Health Workgroup

More information: See full description. Contact: Dan Woo, Climate Change & Health Equity Program, California Department of Public Health,

Presenters and topics include:

Seth Shonkoff (PSE Healthy Energy, UC Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL))

The Public Health Dimensions of Oil and Gas Development in California

Rachel Morello-Frosch (UC Berkeley)

Examining the Health and Equity Implications of oil and gas extraction

Martha Arguello (Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles)

Gustavo Aguirre Jr (Central California Environmental Justice Network)

Community Experiences of Living in Proximity to Oil and Gas Production

Carolyn Lozo and Ken Stroud (CA Air Resources Board (ARB))

Air Monitoring for Oil and Gas Emissions:  During Well Stimulation Treatment Operations and in Nearby Communities

Jim Nyarady (CA Air Resources Board (ARB))

ARB’s Recently Adopted Oil & Gas Methane Regulation

Al Walker (Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR), CA Dept. of Conservation)

Current and Proposed Health-Related Regulations on Oil and Gas Production

The CATPHWG meeting will also be broadcast as a live webinar for those unable to attend in person.

Webinar – register here:

Webinar Teleconference:

Number: 888-204-5984

Access Code: 6205934


For more information, please contact:


Climate Change & Health Equity Program

California Department of Public Health