Taxonomy Archive: website
20 Apr 2018 |
Oregon Public Health Institute (OPHI) is an independent nonprofit organization committed to building vibrant and healthy communities in Oregon. We convene diverse individuals and organizations to inspire meaningful community led collaboration. Our consulting team has the technical expertise and understanding of best practices to help ...
20 Apr 2018 |
PSR is a network of all types of health professionals, students and advocates across the U.S. and concentrated in 20 chapters in 15 states along with a national office. Our members and staff provide public education and outreach about the health threats of climate change and their solutions. We are currently pushing for ...
20 Apr 2018 |
PHI brings together experts to develop new, collaborative approaches to public health challenges around the globe. PHI’s Center for Climate Change & Health contributes to building healthy and climate-resilient communities that have the right tools to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The Center engages local leaders, ...
20 Apr 2018 |
The Climate Change Program at the RI Dept. of Health aims to assist our State and Rhode Islanders in preparing for climate change through both mitigation and adaptation efforts, building resiliency in our communities, and reducing the public health burdens related to climate effects.
20 Apr 2018 |
The impacts of climate change on human health are a major concern, particularly for populations with known health disparities. In response to this pressing public health issue, in 2010 The San Francisco Department of Public Health created its Climate and Health Program. The goal of the program is to help San Francisco develop ways to ...
20 Apr 2018 |
The Social Justice Learning Institute (SJLI) is dedicated to improving the education, health, and well-being of youth and communities of color by empowering them to enact social change through research, training, and community mobilization. SJLI envisions communities where individuals use their agency to improve each other’s lives. ...
20 Apr 2018 |
The International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC) is composed of over 200 mental health, trauma treatment, emergency response and other professionals working to address the mental health and psychosocial impacts of climate change. We provide research, skills building, and policy expertise on personal and psychosocial ...
20 Apr 2018 |
Climate change is one of the world’s most urgent challenges and an immediate risk to our communities, economies, and to our conservation mission. We must act – as individuals, in our communities, as business leaders, and as policymakers. The Nature Conservancy promotes practical, innovative solutions to create a prosperous, ...
20 Apr 2018 |
When the immediate emergency is over, the healing can begin. Our guides will help you start the process of recovering your family’s physical, emotional and financial well being.
20 Apr 2018 |
Decision makers at all levels are using the fast-growing field of HIA to take health into account when making decisions in a broad range of sectors, including agriculture, education, energy and budgeting, in all types of locations—rural, suburban, and urban, local, regional or statewide.