US Climate and Health Alliance


Taxonomy Archive: Active transportation


Apr 2018


Health in the green economy: Health co-benefits of climate change mitigation policies – transport sector

Transport has powerful impacts on health. Well-designed transport policies and infrastructure investment priorities can lead to far-reaching reductions in traffic-related health risks from air and noise pollution and injury. Cycling and walking, on their own or as part of a public transport journey, can greatly enhance physical ...



Apr 2018


Climate and Health

Widespread scientific consensus exists that the world’s climate is changing. Some of these changes will likely include more variable weather, heat waves, heavy precipitation events, flooding, droughts, more intense storms, sea level rise, and air pollution. Each of these impacts could negatively affect public health. While climate ...



Apr 2018


OutsideIn SLO

We care about healthy living in San Luis Obispo County. That is why we are concerned about climate change. Now is the time to come together as a community and talk about how climate change is affecting our well-being. The good news is, many actions that help limit climate change also improve the health of […]



Apr 2018


Health impact assessment of active transportation: A systematic review

Walking and cycling for transportation (i.e. active transportation, AT), provide substantial health benefits from increased physical activity (PA). However, risks of injury from exposure to motorized traffic and their emissions (i.e. air pollution) exist. The objective was to systematically review studies conducting health impact ...



Apr 2018


Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Is Only the Beginning: A Literature Review of the Co-Benefits of Reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled

While state goals for reducing GHG emissions have been one motivation for the shift to VMT measures, reductions in VMT produce many other potential benefits, referred to as “cobenefits,” such as reductions in other air pollutant emissions, water pollution, wildlife mortality, and traffic congestion, as well as improvements in ...



Apr 2018


Deadly Impact of Airborne Particles

The link between air pollution and death was established in a series of disasters around the world. About 15% of all deaths in the world are from ischemic heart disease; that’s when your heart literally suffocates. As the levels of air pollution increase, the percent of deaths from heart disease rises sharply – even at […]



Apr 2018


Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Health Co-Benefits: A Structured Review of Lifestyle-Related Climate Change Mitigation Strategies

This is the first structured review to identify and summarize research on lifestyle choices that improve health and have the greatest potential to mitigate climate change. Two literature searches were conducted on: (1) active transport health co-benefits, and (2) dietary health co-benefits.
